Iranian thinker: Arrogance, colonialism use extremist, Takfiri ideologies against true Islam
Iranian thinker Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Sheikh Ahmadi has said that one cannot find any evidence in the scripture and traditions as well as Islamic texts that the extremist and Takfiri ideologies are institutionalized.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds; Prayers and salutations be upon our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his family and all of his companions. Greetings to the audience and all dear viewers
One of the main axes of this year’s Unity Conference is the efforts of the world colonialism and the world arrogance for promotion of extremism and Takfiri thoughts; also, this meeting tries to find ways of confronting the efforts.
Throughout history of Islam and every now and then, certain groups in the community of Muslims have showed up, raising vain claims out of the scripture and traditions to promote extremist ideology.
Irrespective of the fact that how much are the ideological foundations of the groups wrong, one cannot find any evidence in the scripture and traditions as well as Islamic texts that the extremist and Takfiri ideologies are institutionalized. The important point is the way the world of arrogance and the world of colonialism use these, especially in the contemporary world; let’s say the west’s abusing extremist groups.
Naturally, enemies of Islam have throughout history of Islam been trying to distort Islamic ideas and distort image of Muslims, thus introducing Islam as an ideology opposing dialogue and being non-peaceful.
Since early Islam and during life of holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH), Jews have been trying to stand up against efforts of the prophet (PBUH), hence portraying Islam as a tough religion. Throughout history, enemies of Islam have also been doing the same.
In contemporary era and in the maximum recent century there have been lots of the efforts. The concept of colonialism was shaped over the past few centuries, especially with regards to the west’s programs to dominate Islamic lands. Hence, Western states tried to dominate the weak governments, especially the world of Islam. As a result, the world of colonialism has been thinking of using extremist ideology and the extremist and Takfiri groups for the sake of their own interests.
Therefore, it is important to see how the west, the world of arrogance and colonialism have always and throughout history been trying to strengthen the extremist and Takfiri groups to achieve their own goals and interests, which is weakening Islam and Muslims and introducing Islam as the religion of violence and lack of logic.
In today’s world, such efforts have naturally gained new shape. Using the media and virtual space advancements, the west makes maximum efforts to further strengthen such extremist ideologies and extremist groups.
Much budget has been set aside for them. Perhaps the last outstanding evidence and latest measures of colonialism were its indirect support for Daesh to make it dominate the Middle East. They also offered financial and military support for the group to weaken and not strengthen the world of Islam. They also provided media support to introduce Daesh as symbol of Islam and example of Islam in the world.
Therefore, the west has never stopped its efforts.
However, that’s the duty of Muslims and Muslim thinkers to stand up against such hostile policies and challenge the policies. Muslim thinkers in such circles as Unity Conference should get together and exchange views on ways of confronting the policies. They should find ways of defeating policies of the west, the world colonialism and the world arrogance for strengthening Takfiri groups.
Muslim thinkers should through exchange of information try to defeat the policy of the west and the world of arrogance. They should in their own circles introduce passionate Islam and pay attention to rational ideology of Islam, which exists in Quran and tradition. They should introduce Islam to the world as the religion of dialogue, logic and confrontation against violence.
In this connection, there are many verses and traditions, which Muslim thinkers can use in their scientific circles, especially where non-Muslims are present. So, discussing them, they can show that Islam has nothing to do with the Takfiri and extremist ideology. Islam is the religion of dialogue, logic, forgiveness and amnesty.
Mecca conquering is outstanding evidence. Muslims and Muslim thinkers should highlight Mecca conquering and the Prophet’s (PBUH) forgiving Mecca citizens. The prophet, who was the most powerful, and the strongest militarily, forgave his opponents and set them free.
This is ideology of Islam. This is the ideology against violence. The prophet who during Mecca conquering invited Muslims to avoid retaliation, chanted, “Today is the day of mercy,” to confront the slogan of certain groups of Muslims, who asked for retaliation. They chanted, “Today is the epic day.” So, he suggested them forgiveness and amnesty.
That’s the Islam we know; this is the passionate Islam; this is the Islam which confronts violence and extremism.
Islam has many examples like concurring Mecca. Muslim thinkers have the duty to highlight and show them to the west and people in the east and west, thus proving what their media and governments claim to distort Islam are nothing but false propaganda. Islam is the religion of passion, kindness and confrontation against violence, while being the religion of logic and dialogue. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you all.