Iranian thinker: Islamic states must thwart world power's plots to sow discord
Iranian thinker Ms. Farahnaz Kord Zabolli says the despotic colonialist powers want to undermine Muslim countries by their policies, economy and domination, trying to pit Muslim countries and their nations against each other.
Kord Zabolli said, "Muslims constitute more that one fourth of the world’s contemporary world. They are present in important strategic conditions around the world. So, Muslim nations are required to be aware of their identity and believe it and follow up the path of Quran, which is a successful and helpful way of achieving unity."
"The despotic colonialist powers want to undermine Muslim countries by their policies, economy and domination, trying to pit Muslim countries and their nations against each other. They will spare no efforts to sow discord, fan religious and ethnic clashes and proceed with racism. The most dangerous thing might be the approach of the global arrogance to propagate Zionist racist ideas."
AS the thinker has said the competition among countries of a region in the world is a comprehensive phenomenon; however, action of the claiming countries is subordinate to many factors and points. Most of the tensions, were caused by interference of foreign elements, especially the world Zionism, which tries to divide the two Muslim countries to make the region insecure without peace.
Kord Zaboli stated, "Evidently, further convergence, collaboration, proximity and exchange of opinion between the Iran and Saudi Arabia as two powerful countries of the region will strengthen the world of Islam. Due to the same reason, western ill-wishers and international Zionism seek growing tension and conflict between the two countries because more enmity of two great nations of the world of Islam will bring enemy closer to its goals."
Now we see that in present government, relations between the two countries are getting further closer to engagement and this has made the US, West and Israel worried, she stressed.
Noting that "Unfortunately, today, we are witnessing war, bloodshed, terror, war and insult in the world of Islamm, the Iranian thinker referred to the most important issues and problems of tribes, and Islamic governments and Muslim countries as follows:
First of all, global arrogance, led by the US and plundering west, have always been trying to fan war, discord and clashes in the world of Islam to legitimize their presence in the world of Islam.
This is the root cause of conflicts, murders and current plunders in Islamic countries and also between Islamic countries.
The second problem is presence of certain alien government rulers and the Ulima, who are affiliated to them, in certain Islamic countries, which prepare positive ground for presence of tyrants in Islamic countries. They have tied their interests in enemies of Islam and prepared an appropriate foothold for their presence.
The third problem facing the world of Islam is existence of certain historical differences in words and ideas, religion and Sharia between Islamic schools of thought, which serve as a ground for activation of enemies of Islam.
The fourth problem is ignorance or treason of certain followers of extremist religious schools of thought and clans, either Shiite or Sunni. One of them fans conflict by insulting sanctities of the other and the other prescribes murder and plunder of Muslims by Takfir and spread of violence.
The fifth problem is lack of religious democracy in certain Islamic countries and adoption of government decisions by a family and violation of citizenship rights and non-observation right demands of people.
Ethnic, clan and nationalist attitude or the same semi-ignorance attitude early in beginning of Islam, that are observed in certain Islamic nations, clans and groups, and following blind prejudices are the sixth problem facing the world of Islam.
The seventh problem is presence of contradictory groups and parties in certain Islamic countries and spread of atmosphere of accusation and dispute and resort to procrastination, force, other Sharia Moharramat to achieve factional and group interests and policy of removing the opposition.
The eight problem is competition between Islamic countries in finding friends in countries and using enemies of Islam to overcome the rival.
Kord Zabolli referred to several solutions in this regard:
The first solution is resistance against global arrogance by forming powerful government and military, security and cultural systems; we should be powerful against plots of the world devouring US; we should resist greed of enemies of Islam by forming resistant people; we gained this experience in the imposed war and in campaign against Daesh thanks to blessing of blood of martyrs of Islamic Revolution.
The second solution is that Ulima should avoid affiliation to the despotic governments that have always been beside tyrants and enemies of Islam. They should follow God’s Prophet (PBUH) and proceed with enjoining to good and prohibiting from evil and propagate being tough to pagans and mercy among Muslims.
The third solution is that we should prescribe Ijtihad in schools of thought to all Islamic schools of thought; We should observe no difference at time of Ijtihad difference of any school of thought.
The fourth solution is disclosure of traitors to Islamic Ummah by revolutionary media and Islamic Ulima.
The fifth solution is that Islamic nations should follow up their right demands in despotic governments and demand their rights in peaceful ways at least.
The sixth solution is that ethnicity, clannism, and nationalism are against Islam and all Islamic nations should clean themselves of such things, while resorting to Islam, Quran and Grand Prophet (PBUH) and the criteria for superiority in Islamic Ummah is observation of piety and divine rule.
The seventh solution is the contradictory groups and parties in any country should use rational methods to solve differences and use religious democracy final solution of power attaining, while preventing any domestic conflict.
As for the eighth solution, it should be said that competition among Islamic countries is not a problem but a good point. Instead of being destructive and leading countries towards war, discord and division, competitions may be constructive and form a healthy competition in Islamic countries.
" Muslims should get united within framework of a single body, maintain new public values and safeguard justice and human rights. They should never forget that the values are basis of Islamic morals and power and success are only lying in unity and peaceful co-existence," she concluded.