Thinker: Islam lays good doing, solidarity as most basic foundations of its ideology
Ms. Zahra Vahedi, the Iranian thinker, says sympathy and empathy obviate tensions and conflict and Islam lays good doing and solidarity as the most basic foundations of its ideology.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful All praises be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. Prayers and salutations be upon our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his infallible household and selected companions and anybody following them with goodness until the Day of Judgement
Peace Be Upon Mahdi (AS), who will fill the world with justice and fairness as injustice and tyranny will be manifested.
Greetings to dear audience and congratulations to participants of the 37th International Islamic Unity Conference, noble Iranian nation and world Muslims on the birthday anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imam Sadeq (AS).
Maintaining unity is Today,
What I would like to convey to the dignitaries is that today, more than ever, it is imperative for the Islamic Ummah to maintain unity. The history of human life has been accompanied by strife and war since the beginning, and establishing peace and resolving conflicts has always been a concern of mankind.
One of the ways to achieve unity is Islamic empathy and sympathy and ultimately peace and compromise. Islam has paid attention to different aspects and axes of communication and considers the main axis of regulating human relations and organizing it to be empathy and compassion, which begins from family and reaches society, and this itself is the introduction to the absence of conflict, tension, violence and crisis.
Sympathy and empathy obviate tensions and conflict and Islam lays good doing and solidarity as the most basic foundations of its ideology. Holy Quran also invites society to peace.
Evidently, both logically and from the standpoint of Sharia, unity is a must. Holy Quran orders, “Hold fast together to the cable of Allah and be not divided.” This reveals that we should hold fast to God Almighty’s cord in groups and through unity. This is especially true in the world of Islam today, which witnesses huge Islamic awakening, and enemies of Islam use any chance to sow seeds of dissension and avoid unity among Muslims.
The core of Islamic Revolution’s discourse is convergence, unity and solidarity of the community of Muslims and resisting courageously against enemies and aggressors. Islamic Revolution’s logic rules recognizing realities of the world of Islam and moving towards a new Islamic civilization by considering today's capabilities, facts and realities. New Islamic civilization would not be possible without unity of Shias and Sunnis. So, to attain new Islamic civilization whole the world of Islam should unite and cooperate to achieve a new Islamic civilization.
We believe that any nation that is united and avoids any devastating conflict and battle, will emerge invincible in the face of all enmities.
Our resistance against enemies, occupiers and aggressors of Islamic lands, the region, especially Palestine, is for majesty of Muslim Ummah and all Islamic ethnic groups, races, and schools of thought. More than 50 countries live in light of the lofty name of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Why the countries, which enjoy extensive and strategic resources in the field of intellect worldwide, should not be powerful enough? Why they, that have so many valid seats, should not be influential in equations of the world of Islam and as a big collection? That’s a big question that Islamic Revolution asks each Muslim and all Muslim countries.
Holy Quran is the most extensive asset and the most reliable evidence for righteousness of sacred Sharia of Islam, which has been the most important axes of Muslims’ unity.
History shows that holy Quran’s divine verses built a global civilization and up to so far, despite oppositions throughout history, sovereignty of holy Quran today has shaken bases of injustice of the child killing regime of Israel.
Desecration of holy Quran in Sweden was a bitter event and a conspiracy. Setting holy Quran ablaze was not only insult to Islam and Muslims but also to all religions, the world and followers of religions. Under present conditions, the world of Islam witnesses a wave of Islamism and according to the West’s own statistics, the holy book of Islam has been the best-selling written scripture in western countries.
Enemies of the world Muslims, who are against freedom and liberty of mankind, have come savagely, furiously and with hostility to divine reality to fight divine logical and reason.
Definitely, such a great audacity, which in reality is nothing but admitting defeat against the logic of the Quran and the bravery of the youth of the resistance front, is a continuation of recent violent movements and sheer insults in the shadow of the world Zionist support.
Undoubtedly, all these behaviors can be understood and interpreted in the political map. It’s nothing but advent of the age and time for confrontation of Islamic culture, ideology and civilization with the west’s decadent culture and global Zionism.
The role of women in unity of Islamic community is different with the west’s extremist norms and teachings because it stems from patterns set by combatant Muslim women, which are based on ideological foundations of Islam, pure teachings of holy Quran, Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) traditions and Ahl-ul-Bait. Hazrat Fatima Zahra (AS), the best woman of the two worlds and the most undeniable model of the world Muslim women, has lofty moral personality and absolutely relying on such a personality will serve as a symbol of unity of Islamic Ummah. Regarding personality of such an undeniable model and introducing her behavioral culture and taking her as a model of personal and social life will serve as a ground for unity.
Opportunities should be provided for making women, girls and elite aware of enemies’ plots and for more active presence of the elite and powerful women in various communities and international forums. This way, we would be able to exchange opinion and present strategies in various common areas, using their talents, for revival and expansion of Islamic sciences, prophet’s traditions, institutionalization of unity and confronting enemies’ plots. Unity week provides the best opportunity to fulfil the goal.
The media today play a very important and influential role in forging and improving Islamic unity and proximity. These are the most important general diplomacy means. Media diplomacy is an important part of diplomacy of countries, including foreign policy.
A full-fledged media war is underway between the right and wrong and winner of the war of narrations is the media that will be able to convince its audience and addressees in a full and comprehensive manner, while unveiling facts about the type of enemy performance.
The media with wide spectrum of general audience will be able to disclose various dimensions of plots of enemies of Islam in the political, cultural and economic domains, not allowing Islamic Ummah to suffer from dualism or multiplicity.
Leader of the world Muslims in a message to Hajj pilgrims this year said Hajj has the power of annulling and invalidating all the plans of the world arrogance and Zionism for mankind’s moral collapse both today and in the future. The requisite for such a global influence is that Muslims’ receiving life giving message of Hajj well and do their best for its realization. The two main bases of the message are unity and spirituality.
Unity and spirituality will guarantee physical and spiritual promotion of the world of Islam and its illumination in the universe. Moreover, unity means political and cultural front runners in Islamic countries get harmoniously prepared for the world order conditions, that are ahead.
In the new world experience, which is full of opportunities and threats, they should decide the right position of Islamic Ummah themselves and on their own will.
Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia has always been of special importance for international media policy makers and also researchers and thinkers of the two countries.
Divergence of the two countries is mostly because of ideological differences such as faith, race, and the ideology of political structure and leadership of the world of Islam. These eventually lead to difference in security sacrifices in the region. Iran-Saudi Arabia accord created a positive wave in the region and relations among the Persian Gulf states and the region moved towards further stability and peace.
Regarding drastic changes internationally, especially in west of Asia, shift of balance and interests of countries necessitate using the opportunity to solve problems and provide a new environment, which will be based on their interests and serve unity against common enemy, i.e., Zionists. It’s worth mentioning that Ulima, the clergymen, theologians, teachers and Shiia and Sunni elites in Islamic communities, as influential groups in ideology of society, play an undeniable role in this concern. So, it is necessary to hold region-wide sessions for exchange of opinion and synergy to take effective measures for promotion of solidarity and convergence.
I wish God Almighty will grant us the opportunity to be able to move forward in the path, so that Imam of Age will be happy and satisfied with us. I also pray God Almighty for our success to fulfil our divine duty. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you all.