Publish date29 Dec 2023 - 15:24
Story Code : 619683

2023 'deadliest year on record' for children in West Bank: UNICEF

The number of children killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, reached “unprecedented levels” in 2023, a UNICEF official said Thursday, Anadolu reports.
More than 576 children have been injured and others have reportedly been detained, she said.
“As the world watches on in horror at the situation in the Gaza Strip, children in the West Bank are experiencing a nightmare of their own. Living with a near-constant feeling of fear and grief is, sadly, all-too-common for children affected.
“Many children report that fear has become a part of their daily life, with many scared even walking to school or playing outside due to the threat of shootings and other conflict-related violence,” said Khodr.

‘Grave violations against children unacceptable’

UNICEF is “extremely concerned” about the right of children in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, to safety and protection, and their inherent right to life, she said.
Children in those territories have been experiencing “grinding violence” for years, yet the intensity of the violence dramatically increased since Oct. 7, she said, adding 124 Palestinian children and six Israeli children were killed in conflict-related violence since the start of 2023.
“Grave violations against children, in particular killing and maiming, are unacceptable,” she said, urging all parties to abide by obligations under international human rights law and to protect children from conflict-related violence and protect their basic right to simply be alive.
“Children should never be the target of violence, no matter who or where they are. An end to recurring violence is the best way to ensure children can grow up in peace and safety. The suffering of children in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, must not fade into the background of the current conflict – it is part of it,” said Khodr.
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