Publish date9 Sep 2011 - 19:31
Story Code : 62496
Syrian Ambassador in Lebanon

Syria is facing a complicated fierce plot and it reached to positive ends

TNA - Beirut
Syria is facing a complicated fierce plot and it reached to positive ends
The Syrian ambassador in Lebanon, Ali Abdul Karim, stressed that "being accused by US and having his name on the list of US sanctions is a badge of honor." 

Ali viewed that "this forms a certificate of appreciation to him as it is issued from a state that daily violates human rights and has a long record of the most heinous crimes of murder and dishonoring dignity in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine territories as well as Abu Ghraib prison."

Setting "the sanctions as part of a series carried out by the US administration from turning facts and breaching the sovereignty of states," the Syrian ambassador added that "the most surprising thing is to be punished because of my relationship with my Government and its security."

"Is it a natural concept to this administration to have a relationship with foreign governments and agencies other than my country?" Abdul Karim wondered.

The Syrian ambassador praised Lebanon's official position from Syrian events stressing that "Damascus appreciates and values the substantive position that the friendly countries, Russia, China, India, South Africa, Brazil and brotherly State of Lebanon expressed in face of the misleading campaign, led by the United States, France and other European countries."

As for the Syrian situation, Ambassador Abdul Karim asserted that Syria is facing a complicated fierce plot and it reached to positive ends through the unity of its institutions and national unity among people rejecting foreign intervention and the criminal act carried out by gangs backed by well-known sides."
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