Publish date28 Jun 2024 - 8:24
Story Code : 640722

Leader: People's participation in election necessary for stability, durability of Islamic Republic

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said that election day is a day of joy and happiness, enthusiastic attendance and increasing participation of the people is a definite need for the Islamic Republic.
Leader: People
 More than 200 reporters from domestic and foreign media, including reporters from the US, China, Russia, Germany, Spain, England, Afghanistan, Austria, Turkey, Kuwait, Netherlands, UAE, Italy, Iraq, Yemen, Japan, France, Philippines, Lebanon, Qatar, Oman, Australia, Sweden, Denmark, India, South Korea and... are covering the election.
The voting process for the 14th presidential election started at 8 am on Friday 0in the polling stations across the country.
The candidates for the 14th term of Iran's presidential election are, in alphabetical order, "Massoud Pezeshkian", "Mustafa Pourmohammadi", "Saeed Jalili" and "Mohammed Bagher Qalibaf".
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