Publish date3 Jul 2024 - 16:19
Story Code : 641388
Dr Hamid Shahriari:

“Late president Raeisi to remain a popular figure in history of Iran”

The Secretary General of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought has hailed the services by president Ebrahim Raeisi stressing that the late president will remain a popular figure in the history of the country.
“Late president Raeisi to remain a popular figure in history of Iran”
Dr Hamid Shahriari, made the comments in a note issued in the wake of the 40th days since the martyrdom of president Raeisi and his entourage in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
He hailed late president Raeisi as a hardworking and tireless figure whose various contributions stand for his true belief in God, Islamic Revolution and the path of the two leaders of the Islamic revolution.
Hujjat-ul-Islam Shahriari said president Raeisi was not the type of person to do office work only but an official who personally followed the issues in the field.
The senior cleric referred to the massive funeral procession held for late president Raeisi that awed the world people and brought another social asset for the Islamic Republic of Iran.
“The unparalleled participation of the people in President Raeisi’s funeral procession has foiled all hostile propagandas to distance the people and clerics”, said Dr Shahriari and added that as a great social asset presented to the Islamic Republic by martyr Raeisi.
He noted,” The ‘martyr of republic’, Ebrahim Raeisi, will remain a sincere, popular and righteous politician in history.”
Hujjat-ul-Islam Shahriari expressed hope that the next president will maintain the path of president Raeisi and endeavor to bolster the national solidarity and convergence of the people in the political and cultural arena in the country.
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