Publish date3 Sep 2024 - 10:00
Story Code : 648315

Ex-UN official calls US a ‘co-partner’ in Israeli genocide in Gaza

A former UN official, previously running the New York Chapter of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, has called Washington’s policy in Gaza as a ‘terrible success.’
Ex-UN official calls US a ‘co-partner’ in Israeli genocide in Gaza
Craig Mokhiber wrote in a post on his X former Twitter, that the US is a successful co-partner in genocide by the Israeli regime.
Mokhiber dismissed the United States’ pretenses of opposition to the brutal aggression that has claimed the lives of nearly 40,800 Palestinians, mostly women and children, since its onset on October 7.
Citing an instance of such ostensible American policy, he pointed to the US’s so-called intermediary role in the ongoing negotiations that are aimed at bringing about a truce in the war.
He described Washington’s participation in the talks as a “charade,” referring to its refusal to exert effective pressure on Tel Aviv towards agreeing to a truce deal, despite its being Tel Aviv’s biggest benefactor and ally.
Mokhiber also enumerated Washington’s feeble attempts at delivering aid to Gaza, which is also suffering from an all-out Israeli siege.
He mentioned the setting up of a floating pier near the coastal sliver, which was washed away soon after creation back in May, as well as its airdropping and shipping trickles of humanitarian supplies to the territory.
Elsewhere in the post, Mokhiber brought up American officials’ “crocodile tears for civilian loss,” their “movable red lines,” and “arguments with Israel on the pace of the destruction.”
The latter pointed to the officials’ apparently trying to have Tel Aviv speed up its efforts at “succeeding” in the war as a purported means of curtailing the onslaught’s human toll.
These American policies “are all fig leaves designed to create diplomatic and political space for genocide,” he asserted.
Washington’s real policy has always been to support Israel in the destruction of Gaza, to render it unlivable, and to lay the ground for its ethnic cleansing.”
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