Publish date19 Sep 2024 - 16:38
Story Code : 650792
Malaysian scholar:

OIC, platform to act on present issues in Muslim world

The head of Malaysia Consultative Council of Islamic Organization (MAPIM) has called for a unified powerful voice in support of Palestine.  
Dato Azmi Abdul Hamid, head of Malaysia Consultative Council of Islamic Organization (MAPIM)
Dato Azmi Abdul Hamid, head of Malaysia Consultative Council of Islamic Organization (MAPIM)
Dato Azmi Abdul Hamid, in his address at the opening ceremony of the 38th Islamic Unity Conference hailed the role of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as the appropriate platform to save Muslims out of the present issues challenging them, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
According to the Malaysian religious figure, disunity remains the major threat for Muslims across the globe.
Dato Azmi Abdul Hamid urged all Muslims to boycott the world arrogant powers as their way to stand against enemies.
He said that more than 4.5 million mosques across the world can be used as the centers to boost solidarity among Muslims across the globe.
The remarks by the head of MAPIM comes at the opening ceremony of the 38th Islamic Unity Conference held in the Iranian capital Tehran on Thursday.
More than 200 prominent Shia and Sunni scholars are attending the major event held by World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought entitled “Islamic Cooperation to Achieve Common Values with Emphasis on Palestine Issue”.
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