Publish date27 Oct 2024 - 12:07
Story Code : 655410
Ayatollah Khamenei stresses:

Iranian nation’s power, resolve must be conveyed to Israeli regime

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, said that the power, resolve and innovation of Iranian nation must be conveyed to the Israeli regime.
Iranian nation’s power, resolve must be conveyed to Israeli regime
Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with the families of Iranian martyrs two days after the Israeli aggression against Iranian soil, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the miscalculations of the Israeli regime on Iran must be fixed.
Ayatollah Khamenei said,” Only a mighty Iran is capable of guaranteeing the security and advancement of the country; therefore, Iranian nation must become mightier in economy, science, politics, defense capabilities and management.”
Referring to the early Saturday aggression by the Israeli regime targeting positions on Iranian soil, Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized that the move by the regime must neither be overplayed nor ignored.
“They (Israeli regime officials) have not understood the power, capabilities, innovation and determination of the Iranian nation because they do not (basically) know Iran or the Iranian youths and nation”, said the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and added,” The quality of this move must be decided by Iranian officials.”
In this meeting with the family of martyrs, Ayatollah Khamenei, called security as the foundation for all advancements in the country and added,” The value of the devoted security forces and those martyred for protecting the country must be known by all.”
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, alluding to a verse from holy Qur’an, called security as a blessing and said, “Wherever security is not valued, there villainy is created.”
Ayatollah Khamenei underlined national might as the sole way to guarantee security in Iran stressing,” In order to secure the country and make advancements, we should all be mighty and become mightier in economy, science, defense, politics and management.”
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution also highlighted importance of psychological security of the people and warned against those who cause tension by promoting rumors or fake analyses among people.
Ayatollah Khamenei said,” To destabilize the psychological condition of the society is part of the soft warfare as everybody is witness how the enemies use the cyberspace to promote their ambitions.”
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in another part of his speech, referred to the crimes by the Israeli regime in Gaza and Lebanon, including the killing of thousands of women and children condemning in strongest terms the ignorance by the governments and international community and noted that the warfare has its own rules while the criminal gang in the occupied lands has trespassed all rules and regulations.
Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated confrontation of the Islamic countries with the criminal Israeli regime and establishment of a global political and economic, even a military, coalition against the regime that commits the worst war crimes in the occupied lands.
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