Publish date24 Jan 2011 - 13:36
Story Code : 37916

Jalili: Iran nuclear plan no threat to neighbors

Chairman of Iran’s National Security Council has ruled out claims that Iran’s nuclear program has concerned Iran neighbors and said “ Iran has a clear program for nuclear talks.”
Jalili: Iran nuclear plan no threat to neighbors
“Changing strategies does not necessarily mean a turn of principles,” Saeed Jalili, Iran’s top nuclear negotiator said in an interview with the London-based Al sharq al awsat daily. 

Jalili has reiterated on Iran’s right of developing peaceful nuclear technology and stipulated that Iran has a clear program for future negotiations. 

The Alawsat paper who follows a hostile approach towards the Islamic Republic has stepped up effort to project the lack of any breakthrough in the recent nuclear talks in Istanbul to the Iranian party, saying that the group 5+1 group tried to push Iran to continue nuclear talks. 

“More than 130 countries put trust on Iran’s nuclear projects and have approved Iran’s peaceful nuclear programs,” Jalili said in response to a claim that Tehran is following a clandestine nuclear program. 

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director general has released more than 25 official statement, indicating that Tehran has not deviated from the peaceful route of its nuclear program. 

He said that Iran is prepared for swift return to nuclear talks, if the talks are based on “a common logic.” 

Jalili said Iran’s logic is founded on “a common ground which officially recognizes the Iranian people’s right of developing peaceful nuclear technology.” 

Last week, representatives of the Arab states were at the forefront of an international group that toured Iran’s nuclear facilities, jalili said, rejecting a claim that the Arab nations are concerned about Tehran’s nuclear programs. 

Arab League representative as well as ambassadors of Algeria, Oman and Syria were also among the visitors who paid a visit to Iran’s heavy water installation in Arak and Isfahan Nuclear facility. 

Iran’s negotiator rebuffed the claims that heads of Arab states conceal their concerns about Iran’s nuclear plans and said” We do not believe in the allegation. We enjoy friendly ties with our neighbors.“ 

The allegations raise about Arab states concerns is a conspiracy spurred by the West, specifically the United States and Israel who fan the flames of Iran phobia among regional states, he concluded.
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