Publish date11 Oct 2022 - 19:23
Story Code : 568759

Siege on East Al-Quds neighborhoods continues for fourth day as 1000 Jewish fanatics storm Al-Aqsa

The Israeli siege on Shufat refugee camp and nearby Anata town, northeast of Jerusalem, continued today for the fourth consecutive day as more than 1000 Jewish fanatics stormed the Muslim holy place, Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City, performing illegal rituals, according to various sources.
Siege on East Al-Quds neighborhoods continues for fourth day as 1000 Jewish fanatics storm Al-Aqsa

Since that night, the Israeli forces closed the checkpoint that leads to occupied East Jerusalem and all access roads leading to the two neighborhoods, preventing everyone, including students, ill people, elderly, and employees from leaving the neighborhoods and supplies from entering them in what some have described as a war crime and a crime against humanity.
At the same time, Israeli occupation forces continued for the fourth day to break into homes and detain people haphazardly claiming they are looking for the person behind the attack.
Young residents, meanwhile, confront the Israeli soldiers breaking into their neighborhoods, attacking them with stones and bottles, while the soldiers respond with tear gas.
Israeli provocations against the Palestinians went beyond the two neighborhoods and into the Old City of Jerusalem where over 100 Jewish fanatics today stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of Islam’s holiest sites, performing illegal rituals in a Muslim-only holy place while police kept Palestinians away from them.
The fanatics seek to change the decades-old status quo at the Mosque by forcing their right-wing government to allow them to freely perform prayers inside the courtyard of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and eventually build a Jewish temple on the site, a step officials warn could lead to an explosion and religious strife in the holy city.
Meanwhile, Israeli police attacked Palestinians in the Old City of Jerusalem as Jewish fanatics marched its alleys and provoked the Palestinian residents and shopkeepers, arresting some.
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