Publish date25 Mar 2023 - 12:00
Story Code : 588086
In an address to Christians and Muslims:

Vatican issues message of coexistence, friendship on Ramadan 2023

The Vatican has issued a message addressing both Muslims and Christians worldwide to unite and build “more peaceful, harmonious and joyful coexistence” and stand against “the culture of hate.”
Vatican issues message of coexistence, friendship on Ramadan 2023
The Holy See is calling on Muslims and Christians worldwide to counter “the culture of hate” still undermining societies, by promoting together a “culture of love and friendship” building on their existing relations.
The Dicastery Interreligious Dialogue made the appeal in a message addressed to the “Muslims brothers and sisters”, as they begin this week their fasting month of Ramadan that ends with Id al-Fitr.
The message condemned those using the social media as means for enmity rather than means for communication and friendship.
The message expressed regret over expansion of numerous “negative attitudes and behaviors towards those who are different from us”, including “suspicion, fear, rivalry, discrimination, exclusion, persecution, polemics, insults, and backbiting” through social media.
It also enumerated respect, goodness, charity, friendship and mutual care for all among the opposites of these negative behaviors and values that should be promoted by a “sound education” of new generation.
“We cannot prevent and counter the culture of hatred and, instead promote a culture of love and friendship, without a sound education for future generations in all the spaces where they are formed: in the family, at school, in places of worship, and on social media.”
“A world where justice, peace, fraternity and prosperity reign pleases the Almighty and brings joy, calling, therefore, our sincere and shared engagement”, the message concludes.