Publish date29 Sep 2023 - 18:00
Story Code : 608667

Iranian scholar: Ties with Israel does not equal relations with another Islamic country

Iranian cleric Ayatollah Ali Rahmani Fard Sabzevari has stressed unity among Islamic nations to hinder normalization between some Islamic governments and Zionist regime.
Iranian scholar: Ties with Israel does not equal relations with another Islamic country
 The name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Indeed, Allah is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong
Allah is your Protector – the best to protect and the best to help.
Allah is Sufficient for us; and what an excellent Guardian He is!' Allah suffices me, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best Mawla, and the best supporter
Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the best of his creation, Muhammad, may God bless him and his family.
God the Wise says: “O believers! Do not seek the guardianship of those given the Scripture before you and the disbelievers who have made your faith a mockery and amusement. And be mindful of Allah if you are ˹truly˺ believers.”
The topic of my discussion is degrading normalization of relations with Jews and Israel. This issue can be discussed from various dimensions. First of all, Islamic society should have special kind of gravity and dignity; Muslims should have a kind of social relations with others that those engaged in indecent acts understand that Muslims do not like those going astray and committing sins. For example, if a father behaves in a way that children come to know that he does not like a mendacious, slandering, nosy and mischievous member of the family and those doing offenses, this can be helpful in treatment and training in family. If our society, the guild members, shop keepers, industrialists and ordinary people behave in a way that the customers or the partners understand those committing offenses are not liked and welcomed, for example a person with a special appearance like wearing incomplete Hijab, the society will be influenced. Absolutely, this behavior has a very important role in social training.
Absence of appropriate behavior, i.e. special kind of gravity and dignity,  in Islamic society has been the reason for scanty cases of Hijab irregularities.  A faithful Muslim has not that much dignity and gravity in behavior. If the faithful, majority of them, show gravity and dignity in  their behavior, those committing sins will no longer dare committing sinful acts. So, the first point, or the first principle, was that if a society is to be purified, the faithful and religiously committed persons should show dignity and gravity in behavior. Of course, by gravity it does not mean a person considering himself/herself superior to others, rather s/he should disavow of those committing sins and going astray. The faithful should keep their religious and Islamic identity.
          As for the Jewish community and the act of certain groups of Arab and Islamic countries, who wish to normalize relations with Israel, it should be said that relations with Israel does not equal relations with another Islamic country. Certain groups of the countries claim no problem having ties with Jews and children of Israel, while having relations with other Islamic countries. 73 verses of Holy Quran concerns children of Israel, i.e., the Jewish community or current Israel. Israel was once nickname of Jacob prophet, which has now turned into Israel. This has a historical root. Children of Israel today have special characteristics.
Holy Quran highlights 15 features for government of children of Israel, i.e., the Jewish government. This shows that from the standpoint of Quran, normalization of relations with them is a sin and `haram’ (religiously forbidden). As said earlier, normalization of ties with the faithful might be a very appropriate, logical, praiseworthy and voluntary act.
Such relations should be on the basis of kindness, devotion and friendship. However, normalization of relations with other groups of people, who are going astray, are pagans and commit sins, should be different. Holy Quran says, “You will surely find the most bitter towards the believers to be the Jews.” As the Quranic verse shows, the Jews have been strongly hostile to Muslims; so relations with them should not be equal to relations with others. Relations in Islamic community should be normal and based on kindness, but relations with those committing sinful acts should be out of gravity and dignity to the extent that children of the faithful understand the difference in the relationships and that their elders and faithful hate diversionary acts. Holy Quran advises the faithful not to consider pagans as their friends; not to fight them but do not consider them as the ones deserving respect. You should not have ties with them, who ridicule your religion. You should not have regular and friendly relations with them; No problem having commercial or diplomatic relations with them but be careful not to consider them as your guardian and friend. You should not accept what they say; this is forbidden. Traditions and verses ban undiscriminated normalization of relations with different groups of people.  Quran heavily emphasizes noticing presence of several features  in individuals: Going astray, blasphemy, debauchery, injustice, atheism, mischief and other indecent characteristics. Holy Quran sarcastically refers to those distinguished by these features. In another words, Quran has bidimensional advertisement: One dimension is guiding society towards justice, which should be regarded as the pillar of advertisement. The other dimension of advertisement is humiliation, i.e., humiliation of tyrant, of pagan, of hypocrite, of atheism, of debauchery, of the covenant broker, of mischief, and of injustice. All over Quran emphasis is made on having special kind of behavior towards those going astray. It means that Quran plans humiliating the tyrant, atheist, hypocrite and so on. There is no instance in Quran to rule dealing with this hypocrite and this tyrant or being their friend, being kind with them. Of course, there is an exception in such cases, and that’s when guidance of such people is at work.
But that’s not always the case, especially when a tyrant or pagan are heavily indulged in their wrong doing. Quran says, “Alike is it to them whether you warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe.” Quran humiliates them for being busy in committing injustice, blasphemy, debauchery, and hypocrisy. Quran in fact humiliates their characteristics and bans friendship with them. Therefore, no equal engagement with all members of a society is allowed. Those falling the path of guidance deserve receiving kind behavior with passion; but those going astray are hypocrite, tyrant, covenant breaker, lyer and unjust persons; so, they should be treated with humiliation. Now attributing such features to the Jews, children of Israel and Zionism, who are Zionists generally with all the indecent features and are linked with Satan and have now occupied Israel and Israeli government now, we will find them to represent all dirty features. Now establishment of ties, even in diplomatic field, with them, who are the most hostile to Quran and Muslims, is not right. This is not wise and no wise man and the people with pure nature will welcome normal ties with the one, who is the hub of dirty features. Absolutely, no one will accept that. Let’s say, what certain Arab countries do today run counter to sense, ration, tradition of wise men of the world. Today, it is fully evident that Zionistm in Israel is founded on arrogance and false proud because they have been planning to dominate the world. Zionists are bent on bloodshed, and injustice. Therefore, would a person accept treating them like other ordinary human beings. Holy Quran names Jews, i.e., current children of Israel, and the Zionists, as arrogant individuals, who are hated by God and the creatures. Quran says, “Not those You are displeased with.” The reference of such a verse are children of Israel, i.e., Zionist government, who are the corrupt on earth. In sum, whatever dirty features you imagine are hidden in these people. No wise man can be found to consider the relationship as the right relationship. Therefore, all the wise individuals in the universe and all men of conscience are required to re-establish their relations with the Jews based on hostility, and enmity with indecent features.
Man in nature is against dirtiness, diversion, bloodshed and impurities. Anybody, keeping genuine human nature, needs to change normal relations based on Quran’s rule, traditions of prophets and of the wise people around the world. Therefore, those wishing to establish normal ties, are the ones distancing themselves from genuine human nature. These people also are falling astray. Quranic verses, mostly verses of Surahs Baqara and Hashr, refer to Jews and children of Israel, and Zionists as enemies of human beings and of justice. They disguise their true identity and pretend to be right, never bowing to the just.
May God bless Muhammad (PBUH) and his household and give them peace

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