Publish date14 Sep 2024 - 14:26
Story Code : 649695

Cleric calls for global efforts to prevent war, bringing Israeli regime, allies to justice

The Secretary General of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought has called on the world community for practical measures to prevent expansion of war and contributing to prevalence of coexistence among all.
Cleric calls for global efforts to prevent war, bringing Israeli regime, allies to justice
Hujjat-ul-Islam Hamid Shahriari, made the comments in an address to the first webinar of the 38th Islamic Unity Conference held on Saturday expressing hope that the event further enhances practical measures to boost regional and global peace, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
The senior cleric counted dignity, justice and security as the three humane values that are common among all people and belong to all nations regardless of their religion or denomination.
He said,” This conference is held in line with discussing the three aforesaid values with focus on the Palestinians in the occupied lands, all of which violated for the Palestinian people in the occupied lands.”
Hujjat-ul-Islam Shahriari condemned the Muslim world, different countries and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for inaction towards Israeli massacre of more than 40,000 Palestinian civilians most of them the elderly, women and children.
He urged the Islamic countries to join hands for a practical action beyond issuing statements so that the Palestinian people from all religions and denominations can live a peaceful life saying,” This is impossible unless the US and other Israeli allies end their support for the regime and let the Palestinians achieve their rights.”
The scholar warned,” Israeli regime is in pursuit of expanding its identity and occupation of more lands even when it claims to be an advocate of peace” calling on the Arab and Islamic countries to contribute for establishment of peace in the occupied territories, annihilation of the Israeli regime.
The Secretary General of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought said,” The Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was launched in response to more than seven decades of Israeli oppressions against Palestinians.”
Still in another part of his remarks, Hujjat-ul-Islam Shahriari slammed the US and its allies as professional warmongers and supporters of war crimes by Israeli regime.
He said that the evil deeds and crimes by the Israeli regime will not end unless the resistance continues and that is the reason the Islamic Republic is maintaining its support for the resistance axis to put an end to Israeli crimes.
The top scholar also hailed a global awakening of the elites and that they should stand up against the Israeli regime as a move to enhance the Islamic awakening and revealing the enemies of humanity.
“The public pro-Palestine voices are heard from Europe, US, Africa and Asia which proves that the public knowledge has increased through the media among other means”, said the cleric.
Hujjat-ul-Islam Hamid Shahriari said,” The approach followed by the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought regarding the issue of Palestine, has been the meetings and conferences the most important of them was held early in 2024.”
The remarks by the Secretary General of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought came in an address to the Shia and Sunni elites attending the first webinar of the 38th Islamic Unity Conference on the Islamic cooperations which is this year focused on resolving the issue of Palestine.
More than 200 Muslim thinkers, activists and professors exchange views in webinars held concurrent with the Islamic Unity Week that marks the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), 14-20 September.
Organized by Iran’s World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, hundreds of Muslim scholars, religious figures and top officials from across the globe also attend a 3-day-event held in the Iranian capital Tehran on 19-21 September.
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