Publish date21 Jan 2012 - 20:00
Story Code : 79972
30 March 2012

Call for Global March to Quds

TNA - Beirut
Call for Global March to Quds
International Committee of the Global March towards Quds (Jerusalem) delivered this call:

On 30 March 2012, from all continents we will converge and gather along the Palestinian borders with Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, with the participation of delegations joining us from every country in the world in a peaceful march towards Palestine. 

Since the Zionist occupation of 78% of Palestine in 1948, and the subsequent occupation of Quds (Jerusalem) and the rest of Palestine in 1967, we have witnessed growing efforts to Judaize Jerusalem and colonize Palestine. These crimes against humanity are done under the political protection and full support of successive American administrations and enforced by its veto at the United Nations.

The goal of the Zionists is to force Palestinian residents out of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine through acts of state terrorism, economic pressures, legal restrictions, and outright expulsions. The Holy city of Jerusalem is falsely called “the eternal capital of Israel” by Netanyahu and other Zionist leaders who clearly state that Jerusalem is non-negotiable. Such statements and related actions by the Zionists are absolutely inconsistent with all of the relevant United Nations resolutions on Jerusalem and contrary to the principles of international law.

The dominant position within the Israeli political, military and religious leadership is that Israel has a right to occupy all of historic Palestine. The “ultimate solution” as envisaged by the Zionists is to complete the ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians from historic Palestine and in the meantime apply a system of apartheid.

And yet Quds is our common universal heritage including being revered by followers of all monotheistic religions. This remarkable and historic city of great antiquity is also venerated across the world for enhancing the heritage of all of humanity.

The city of Jerusalem has always been a beacon of emancipation and hope to the downtrodden. It has symbolized the unity and equality of all of God’s creation and the message of love, mercy and compassion. Millions of people who love Jerusalem are concerned for the safety and sanctity of the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock Mosque, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and other sacred properties under the Zionist plan to change and dismantle the structure of the society of Jerusalem, obliterating its Arab identity and changing the character of the city.

Jerusalem and all of Palestine need to be liberated, redeemed and restored as a land of freedom and coexistence by people of the world from all religious and cultural backgrounds.

As part of this movement and at the invitation of Palestinians, we decided to organize a Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ) aimed at raising awareness of the mortal threat to Jerusalem and all of Palestine by the hands of Zionists and helping us move closer to the day of freedom.

On 30 March 2012, from all continents we will converge and gather along the Palestinian borders with Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, with the participation of delegations joining us from every country in the world in a peaceful march towards Palestine.

Therefore, we ask all people of good conscience to join us.

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