Publish date10 Apr 2011 - 13:16
Story Code : 45386

King al-Khalifa denies Iran role in Bahrain crisis

Iran has no role in fomenting political crisis in Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa said at the recent (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council foreign ministers meeting in Riyadh.
King al-Khalifa denies Iran role in Bahrain crisis
Bahrain's King al-Khalifa has openly asserted what many of the participants considered as “ an elephant in the room” and said that Tehran is not at play in the ongoing turmoil in the Persian Gulf littoral state, Taqrib News Agency (TNA) quoted informed sources as saying.

“The King’s remarks were made at the meeting but it was not divulged due to the resentment of some participants,” the source said in anonymity.

Bahrain’s Crown prince Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa at a separate meeting with the
Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah said "Iran does not interfere in the internal affair of Bahrain " but under intense pressure by the US Defense Secretary Robert Gates who visited Middle East before Bahrain uprising, these conciliatory statements were swept under the rug.
The move was aimed at giving the west and its Arab allies broader latitude to follow the “theory conspiracy” of Iran’s involvement in Bahrain violence.

The (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council foreign ministers who convened in Riyadh to study the developments in the Arab street blamed Iran for interference in domestic affairs of the regional countries and called on Iran to end interventions, a claim rejected by Tehran.
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