Publish date13 Dec 2022 - 13:06
Story Code : 576772

Rights group condemns Israeli for arresting 76 children in November

The Palestinian Human Rights Organization announced Israeli regime arrested 490 Palestinians including 76 children and 12 women during November.
Rights group condemns Israeli for arresting 76 children in November
The Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs, the Palestinian Prisoners Club, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association and the Wadi Hilweh Information Centre in East Jerusalem said in a joint statement that "the number of Palestinian prisoners in the [Israeli] Occupation prisons has reached about 4,700 prisoners, until the end of November 2022".
According to the statement, the detainees include 34 female prisoners and about 150 minors, 835 administrative detainees, including three female prisoners and four children.
Israeli regime uses an old British law that allows it to detain Palestinians administratively, that is, without trial, for periods ranging from 3 to 6 months, subject to extension, under the pretext of having a secret security file against the detainee.
During the past months, Israel launched a military operation, dubbed "Breaking Waves", in the Occupied West Bank which, it said, aims to thwart Palestinian counter-attacks, which included carrying out a campaign of arrests.