Publish date29 Sep 2023 - 20:06
Story Code : 608990
On 37th International Islamic Unity Conference;

Aspects of avoiding aggression and conflict

Professor at Farhangian University in Hormozgan, Iran, stressed that the enemies want to cut relations and damage the authority of Muslims and the unity of human society.
Aspects of avoiding aggression and conflict
“Narges Mirzadeh”, professor at Farhangian University in Hormozgan, Iran, in her speech at the webinar of 37th International Islamic Unity Conference, noted that enemies of Islam and Muslims have taken different ways to create division, hatred and enmity between Muslims, reported Taghrib News Agency (TNA).

She noted that the enemies want to cut relations and damage the authority of Muslims and the unity of human society, and said: “Muslims must be vigilant and take care that no ground is provided for the enemy's influence and for the execution of his plans.”

Regarding good-naturedness and gentleness according to verses of the Holy Quran, she added: “we can see that neglecting this moral principle, good nature and gentleness, even if the Prophet of Islam sought refuge in God, would actually result in the lack of success in the mission of the Prophet of Islam, may God bless him and grant him peace.”

“Good mood, cheerfulness, kindness, gentleness and a merciful look towards others have led to positive effects, such as attracting the love of people and guiding them, increasing the number of friends and decreasing the number of enemies, and if some people did not believe, at least they did not antagonize and did not oppose”, Mirzadeh continued.

She noted avoiding any kind of aggression, conflict and profanity as the second aspect and emphasized: “if two people who are close friends want to express the truth to each other, we can see that this expression of the truth will not be unacceptable and this behavior is not pleasant.”

“The Holy Quran orders believers to refrain from cursing and insulting idols in the face of the most ugly and ignorant acts, i.e., idolatry and polytheism, and to be careful of its harmful consequences”, the Iranian professor noted.

“It is up to us Muslims to be careful in our actions and behavior and seek to adhere to the practical way of the infallible household of the holy prophet (peace be upon them), who are a perfect example of human models”, she said.
She pointed out that when we look at the consequences in two general points, we can say that when we respect the sanctity of other people who are ideologically opposed to us.

Mirzadeh mentioned that Muslims should follow the speech, behavior and actions of the holy prophet (peace be upon them), who always had a kind and gentle attitude towards the youth and their behavior was guiding.

“Regarding the youth and teenagers at the university level, I suggest that working groups should be formed, a center should be established with the participation of the professors, lecturers and staff who would really talk to the students in their dormitories, in recreational places and student camp, and they should be identified”, she clarified.

“Support and guidance should be provided, and the ambiguity should be resolved, and ideas should be given to them, of course, the capacity of the youth and teenagers should also be used and we will get them to work so that they can conduct workshops, meetings, and these discussions themselves”, Narges Mirzadeh concluded.

World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought holds the annual Islamic Unity Conference at the week concurrent with the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Muslim scholars, thinkers as well as religious and political figures from across the globe discuss the latest issues in the world of Islam at the different sections of the meeting.