Publish date22 Jun 2024 - 11:08
Story Code : 640008

Iranian cleric urges for massive turnout in upcoming election

The interim Friday prayer leader of Tehran has called on the Iranian nation for massive turnout in the upcoming presidential election as the way to boost their solidarity and national resolution.
Iranian cleric urges for massive turnout in upcoming election
Hujjat-ul-Islam Mohammad Hassan Abu Torabi Fard, in his weekly sermon, said the high turnout of the people in this election will stand for the national unity, strength and scientific and economic development, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
Hujjat-ul-Islam Abu Torabi noted that to elect the most qualified candidate will pave the way for materialization of the objectives of the Islamic revolution as well as the economic, social and cultural advancements in the country.
The interim Friday prayer leader of Tehran called on the Iranian nation from all walks of life to attend the election as a ‘determining opportunity’ provided by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Iranians will go to the polls for the 14th Presidential election in the country which is held a year earlier due to the helicopter crash that killed Iran’s president Ebrahim Raeisi on May 19.
Six candidates have been approved from nearly 80 people who registered for the race which is set to be held on June 28.
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