Publish date1 Aug 2024 - 11:45
Story Code : 644691

Iran’s UN envoy urges for immediate action against Hamas leader assassination in Tehran

Iran’s permanent representative in UN has called on the Security Council to take immediate action against the recent Israeli attacks against Lebanese and Iranian capital.
Iran’s UN envoy urges for immediate action against Hamas leader assassination in Tehran
In a letter to the Council, Amir-Saeed Iravani, Iran’s ambassador to the UN, said the regime carried out a “cowardly terrorist attack” in Tehran targeting a high-ranking official guest- Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh.

It was, he said, a “serious infringement on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iran” and a “blatant violation of the basic norms and principles of international law”.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns in the strongest possible terms the aggressive action of the Zionist regime in the assassination of Mr. Haniyeh. This terrorist act is a continuation of the assassination of Palestinian resistance leaders in other countries over the past decades and occurred as part of a plan to commit genocide against Palestinians, especially in the past ten months,” the letter stated.

The letter said the Zionist leaders have “crossed all red lines and shown complete disregard for the basic norms and principles of international law upon which the UN system is founded.”

The letter also noted that the regime also carried out “cowardly terrorist attacks” in Beirut on Tuesday targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure.

Iravani said these crimes reveal a lack of commitment to peace and stability in the region and suggest an intention to escalate conflict and expand the war throughout the entire region.

The Iranian ambassador said the responsibility of the US, as Israel's strategic ally and great benefactor, cannot be overlooked in this horrific crime.

“This act could not have occurred without the authorization and intelligence support of the US The continuation of Israel’s aggressions threatens peace and stability in the region."

Iravani said the international community, particularly the Security Council, cannot remain indifferent to such heinous crimes.

“… Iran calls upon the UNSC to condemn unequivocally and strongly the acts of aggression and terrorist attacks by the Israeli regime on Iran’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as recent acts of aggression against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic,” the letter said.

“We urge the UNSC to act promptly and decisively in response to these acts of aggression and malicious activities of the Israeli regime in the region which pose a real threat to international peace and security,” he said.

“The credibility and moral authority of the Security Council depend on its ability to uphold international law and the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.”

The letter emphasized Iran’s right to self-defense under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

“This rogue and terrorist regime and its accomplices bear responsibility. The Islamic Republic of Iran will not hesitate to exercise its inherent right to self-defense, as enshrined in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter to respond decisively and promptly. “

Iran remains committed to upholding international law and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, the letter concluded.

“We believe that peace and stability in the region can only be achieved through respect for these principles.”