Publish date16 Sep 2024 - 11:58
Story Code : 650059

Non-Islamic countries admit power of Islamic unity, Iranian analyst says

Mehdi Golshani, Iranian university professor, says Westerners have realized the power of Islam in the world and have known that Islamic countries will have more power if they are together.
Mehdi Golshani, professor of Sharif University of Technology in Tehran (photo)
Mehdi Golshani, professor of Sharif University of Technology in Tehran (photo)
Some of the companions of Imam Sadegh (PBUH) were from Sunni Muslims, said Golshani at the fifth webinar of the 38th edition of the International Islamic Unity Conference.
That shows Imams were the first people who promoted the Muslim Unity in the history of Islam, noted the professor of Sharif University of Technology in Tehran.
Sayyid Jamal ad-Din Asadabadi traveled to some countries to promote the unity among Islamic states, he said.
Although the Shi'ites and the Sunnis have differences with each other, they have much more in common, he noted.
In 1991, the Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei ordered the establishment of an entity called the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, he said.
“Today, Westerners have realized the power of Islam in the world and have known that Islamic countries will have more power if they are together.”
The enemies tried to create a rift among the Islamic Ummah as much as they could, he said.
It is imperative for Muslims to maintain their unity and emphasize their commonalities, he underscored.
Muslim scholars and thinkers could promote Islam by participating in Western and international conferences, he said.
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