Publish date4 Jan 2012 - 10:44
Story Code : 77789
Former Lebanese PM

Any opening on Israel is a national red line

TNA - Beirut
Former Lebanese PM, Dr. Salim Al-Hoss expressed his surprise regarding some of the Islamic forces that won recently the power in the Arab world, openness to deal with the Israeli enemy, and its confirmation of the refusal to retreat from earlier stances in her country at the level of openness to the Zionist enemy.
Any opening on Israel is a national red line
Al-Hoss said in a statement on behalf of the "platform of national unity" that the Arab people can not tolerate about the issue of obnoxious openness to the Zionist enemy in anyway," adding that "the opening on the Zionist enemy, is a national red line and who goes beyond it, will be exposed to the curse of all Arabs". 

"Palestine is the title of the central issue that aims to liberate Arab land robbed by the so called "Israel", and the Arabs will not surrender to any development that will leave Palestine as the victim of the Zionist occupation no matter how long it takes."

On his part, The Secretary of the General Commission of the Baath Arab Socialist Party in Lebanon, Mohammed Shaker Qawwas that considered that "the choice of resistance and opposition, led by Syria, Bashar al-Assad will triumph in the face of the American-Israeli project and its tools in the region," stressing "the need of some of the Islamic movements to return to its senses and political awareness and resistant enthusiasm, in harmony with its history, to preserve the essence of its case and the interests of its people in all of Palestine. "
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