Publish date7 Jan 2012 - 13:14
Story Code : 78237
Lebanon condemns Damascus terrorist bombing

Lebanon condemns Syria terrorist attack

TNA - Beirut
Lebanese Foreign and Expatriates Minister Adnan Mansour strongly condemned the terrorist bombing which targeted al-Midan neighborhood in Damascus on Friday morning and led to the death of tens of victims, the majority of them civilians, describing it as "a brutal unjustifiable act."
Lebanon condemns Syria terrorist attack

"As we strongly condemn this terrorist criminal act and offer deepest condolences over the victims to the brotherly Syria, leadership and people, we are all confidence that the awareness of the Syrian people and their leadership will be able to uproot terrorism that targets Syria's safety and the region's security" said Mansour in a statement.

The Lebanese Foreign Minister warned that "this ugly terrorism targeting Damascus once again indicates a new and dangerous stage that is not only limited to Syria but opens the doors wide before terrorist operations that penetrate regions and borders." 

In turn, Former Lebanese President, Emile Lahoud stressed that the terrorist attack proves that the conspirators are hopeless, on top of which "Israel", the US and some European countries which think that they can undermine Syria because it is the only country which confronts Israel.

In a phone call with the Syrian TV, Lahoud said "They tried to achieve the same plot in Lebanon because we stood in the face of Israel, yet they failed and this is what is happening in Syria," affirming that Syria will get out of the crisis stronger than ever. 

Also MP Talal Erslan condemned the terrorist attack. 
"Hands of evil are attempting by all means and ways to place obstacles in the path of stability and reform in Syria," said Erlan.
Erslan considered that such acts occurring in Syria at this stage aim at killing innocent civilians for the sake of triggering fear in citizens and weakening popular support to Syrian President, Bashar Asad.
"This proves that the hidden hands behind such terrorism, belonging to foreign plots of strife and internal extremist plans, are actually trying to tamper with security through creating chaos and shaking stability," he noted. 

In the same context, Lebanese Cleric, Sayyed Ali Fadlullah asserted that the Western countries don't want to calm the situation in Syria to prevent any serious dialogue , and they seek to internationalize the crisis in Syria to dissuade it from the role it plays in facing the hostile projects in the region.

He indicated that the Arab and Islamic regions are passing through a state of political and security instability due to the US and European interference in the affairs of their nations.

Parallely, Head of Lebanese National Solidarity Gathering, Sheikh Moustafa Malas denounced the terrorist attack in al-Midan Neighborhood, saying that it comes in the framework of US-Zionist plots and the conspiracy in which some countries of the region are participating.
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