Publish date17 Sep 2024 - 13:03
Story Code : 650280
Iranian cleric stresses:

“Acts of terror against resistance officials reveal enemy’s fear of Islam”

The prayer leader of Sunni community in Aqqala, Iran’s Golestan province, noted that the offensive statements against the prophet of Islam and assassination of the resistance leaders reveals the fear in enemies of Islam.
Abdul Hayy Mirza Ali, the prayer leader of Sunni community in Aqqala, Iran’s Golestan province
Abdul Hayy Mirza Ali, the prayer leader of Sunni community in Aqqala, Iran’s Golestan province
Andul Hayy Mirza Ali, speaking at the eighth webinar of the 38th Islamic Unity Conference stressed that targeting the assassination leaders will create more hatred for the enemies, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
He said that the US-backed Israeli attacks against Muslims are meant to destroy the Islamic lands.
“We (Muslims) should defend Islam against the hostile plots and not let them divide us to sects” said the prominent scholar calling on Muslims to prioritize Islam to their personal interests.
He warned against enemies of Islam sparing no effort to attack Islam and Muslims anywhere under any condition.
Abdul Hayy Mirza Ali emphasized that supporting the oppressed Palestinian nation in Gaza as a responsibility for all Muslims.
The Iranian thinker made the comments at the webinar attended by Shia and Sunni clerics and researchers from across the globe.
The webinars are scheduled to be held on September 14-20 ahead of the second section of the International Islamic Unity Conference which will be attended by hundreds of religious and political figures from across the globe in person.
The current edition of the Islamic Unity Conference is held under the title "Islamic cooperation to achieve common values with an emphasis on the Palestinian issue" in the capital Tehran.
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