Publish date5 Nov 2011 - 8:07
Story Code : 69956
Iranian Diplomate

USA is supporting terroristic operations

TNA - Beirut
USA is supporting terroristic operations
Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon, Ghazanfar Rukn Abadi revealed that the Iranian leader Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei holds documents which prove that the USA is supporting terroristic operations executed in Iran and the region.

During a meeting Friday with Change and Reform bloc Head, PM Michel Aoun, Abadi tackled local, regional and international developments.

The meeting was also an occasion to tackle cooperation between Iran and Lebanon.

Conferees discussed as well the allegations and accusations voiced by American and Zionistic officials against the Iranian republic.

Rukn Abadi said in this regard that the Iranian leader Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei holds documents which prove that the USA is supporting terroristic operations executed in Iran and the region.

When asked about the cold war between Iran and the USA, Rukn Abadi affirmed that despite the economic sanctions imposed, his country managed to suffice itself, particularly in the field of technology.

As for the pressure exerted against Syria, the Ambassador confirmed that the American and Zionistic regimes are deploying huge efforts for diplomacy establishment in the region only for their personal interest.

"Their threats will be fruitless," he finally reassured.