Publish date24 Nov 2011 - 18:03
Story Code : 72362
"Common Word" Conference 12

The cause of Imam Musa al-Sadr is alive

Exlusive - TNA - Beirut
The cause of Imam Musa al-Sadr is alive
Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Lebanon Ghazanfar RoknAbadi stressed for TNA that "the issue of Imam Musa al-Sadr is alive and should be pursued diligently, especially in this sensitive stage, and everyone must do his role for the release of Imam al-Sadr."

In an exclusive interview for TNA on the sidelines of the conference "Common Word" 12 organized by the Centre of Imam Musa Sadr and entitled by  "The social and political change in the Imam al-Sadr: Vision - Approach - Message", today at the UNESCO Palace in Beirut, Ambassador Abadi assured "that the Islamic Republic of Iran is making every effort to clarify the fate of the concealed Imam" and hoped of the Lebanese government to follow this issue, hoping to get the desired effect soon, by God willing. 

In his turn, member of Change and Reform bloc MP Abbas Hashem said for TNA "that the thought of Imam al-Sadr embodies the model of civil religious state, by redemption of this reality of sectarian division that is not worthy of the humanity and is not the will of God for human to be of superior beings." 

The conference continues today until seven o'clock this evening, and it includes three axes:

The first entitled: The change in terms of religious thought (2:00 to 3:30 PM) administered by the Secretary General of the National Committee of the Islamic - Christian dialogue, Dr. Muhammad Al-Sammak and speak about the religious dimension of change the Director of the German Institute for Oriental Research, Dr. Stephen Leader, and about the change and reform in Islamic thought will speak the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco Mr. Ali Omleil, and for the religious thought of change of Imam Al-Sadr will speak Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Choucair. 

the second axis is under the title of social change (3:45 to 5:15 pm) directed by his Excellency, Dr. Salim Sayegh.
Dr. Dmjnos Qattar will speak about the role of Arab institutions in the process of change, Secretary General of the educational institutions of "Amal" Dr. Khalil Hamdan will speak about social institutions and social work framework for change, about the march of Imam Sadr Foundation " Foundation - Achievements - Continuity," will speak the First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Lebanon, Mr. Raed Sharaf al-Din. 

The third and last axis is entitled by "Political change" (5:30 to 7:00 pm) Chaired by: Former Speaker Sayyed Hussein Al-Husseini, and about the vision of the political change in Lebanon, will speak Sheikh Abbas al-Halabi, and More " forward and the change in the Arab region," then MP Dr. Ali Fayyad will deliver the final statement.