Publish date28 Nov 2012 - 9:30
Story Code : 116692

‘Iran Navy fleet to berth at Sudan coast’

The Iranian Navy’s 23rd fleet to be sent to the north of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea is reportedly to dock at the Sudanese coast in the coming days.
‘Iran Navy fleet to berth at Sudan coast’
The Navy’s Deputy Commander for Operations, Rear Admiral Seyyed Mahmoud Mousavi told Fars News Agency that the fleet, composed of the Jamaran destroyer and the logistical vessel Bushehr, is to dock at Sudan’s coast in the coming days, the agency reported on Wednesday.

He noted that such visits serve to send across the message of peace and friendship to the friendly countries and said, “The mission is also [being carried out] in line with the announcement of the preparedness of our country’s Navy for performance of mission in the international waters and also the establishment of security in the region and connecting routes, [a goal] which can be achieved with the help of the region’s countries.”

Previously, the 22nd Iranian naval fleet, likewise composed of a destroyer and a logistical vessel, visited Port Sudan in northeastern Sudan.

Iran's Navy has been increasing its naval presence in international waters since last year.

In addition, in line with international efforts to combat piracy, the Iranian Navy has been conducting anti-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden since November 2008 to protect vessels involved in maritime trade, especially ships and oil tankers owned or leased by Iran.

The Islamic Republic has repeatedly asserted that its overseas naval presence is meant to convey the message of peace and friendship to regional countries. /SR